Starmourn, a new commercial MUD, is arriving in 2017

Screenshots are hard to come by. For reasons which should be obvious.

The DNA of MUDs is deeply entrenched in MMORPGs. It would be fair to say that games like MUDs, MUSHes, and the like led directly into the birth of the more modern genre. But it would be entirely unfair to say that the MUD has consequently ceased to exist. It’s 2016, and a new MUD, Starmourn, has been announced by Iron Realms Entertainment for release at some point next year.

At the moment, all that the game has on display is a trailer and a bit of concept art along with a nonfunctional Facebook page, but there’s more to come within the not-too-distant future, certainly. If you’re looking for a science fiction game to play and don’t mind having to form most of the graphics in your head, you ought to keep your eyes focused on the project as it develops further.

Source: Official Site; thanks to Michael for the tip!
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