
Iron Realms puts two of its MUDs into maintenance mode including Starmourn

Those who have dabbled or gone hardcore into the world of multi-user dungeons (MUDs) and text-based MMOs will no doubt recognize the name of...

Perfect Ten: 25 text-based MMOs and MUDs that are worth playing in 2023

Wanderlust hits even the most content MMO adventurer from time to time, and while there are worlds a-plenty to visit, sometimes it is easy...

Space MUD Starmourn adds Bounty Hunters, new zones, and more

How is it that there's a gigantic new space MMO with a dozen playable races, starship combat, exploration, trading, and even hacking on the...

Betawatch: Atlas delays alpha a week, Division 2 hits tech alpha

Studio Wildcard, you... er... wild cards. Yeah, that seems right. You announced the big surprise splash of Atlas, and then you delay the launch from...

Text-based sci-fi sandbox MUD Starmourn hits open beta this Saturday

Hardcore roleplayers and sandboxes may want to give Starmourn a sliver of precious attention this week: The elaborate MUD hits open beta this weekend....

Text-based MMO MUD Starmourn is a sci-fi sandbox spectacle due out later this year

It's been a while since we talked about Starmourn here on Massively OP, but if you squint back into 2016, you'll remember that it...

The MOP Up: Aima gets a death sentence (October 16, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Screenshots are hard to come by. For reasons which should be obvious.

Starmourn, a new commercial MUD, is arriving in 2017

The DNA of MUDs is deeply entrenched in MMORPGs. It would be fair to say that games like MUDs, MUSHes, and the like led...