Gamers are trying to revive Hellgate: London – again again again


We all know that Hellgate: London has been revived and used at this point more than your average CPR training dummy. So while we’re not here to tell you that some studio is bringing back this OARPG (again), we do want to point out that some of Hellgate’s most loyal community members are attempting to resurrect the game in some form.

First up is Hellgate: Revival, in which a small dev team is trying to bring back the classic multiplayer Hellgate experience while possibly opening up some of its later areas. It sounds like the project is making progress, too: “As seen above, we have a working Hellgate: London multiplayer server running. At this point, Hellgate multiplayer WILL be returning to the community. It has taken months of work, dedication, blood, sweat, and tears to get to this point, but we are at a point where development is accelerating and we are able to actually debug a running MP server.”

Another team called Fledgling Studios is attempting to create a similar game called Hellrift, which Fledgling says is a spiritual successor to Hellgate: London. Fans are encouraged to follow Hellrift’s progress on Facebook, where there are already pieces of concept art and character models.

We’ve got a look at Hellgate: Revival’s multiplayer test in a video below.

Source: Hellgate: Revival, Fledgling Studios via GameBanshee. Thanks Kastaguro!
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