The last message from The Matrix Online servers came back in 2009. The game is dead and gone. And yet there are still people working to bring the game back around, first as a careful rebuilding of what already existed, then as an adaptation of the best parts of the game. A piece on Waypoint details the efforts of Rajko, a programmer working on salvaging the game since its original shutdown and now trying to rebuild the game in a new and more robust engine.
The article follows Rajko’s journey to recreate the game’s servers in their most basic format along to the present day, when he’s working on adapting the game into the Unreal Engine 4 to solve software issues with more modern machines. As you’d expect, it doesn’t have a proper ending so much as it just has an end; there’s no assurance that the game will ever really be back in a recognizable form. But it’s interesting to look behind the scenes at trying to make the game continue along even as the years wear on.