ArcheAge Q&A covers fresh start servers and its future roadmap

ArcheAge players have no shortage of questions about the game these days, particularly post-Revelation. To answer some of these, Trion Worlds took to the forums for a large community Q&A session that tackled the new servers, upcoming changes, and other concerns.

Trion said that it’s holding off on opening an additional fresh start server out of a fear that it would be a wasteland in coming months. The studio said that the two shards should be able to handle the current demand: “In regards to tech issues, it’s important to distinguish that the problems players are reporting are not coming from anything related to server hardware. The 600% increase is well within what the server hardware is expected to perform with. But we see server stress in the high population of zones during events, hero calls, and the massive new housing zones that put additional stress on the amount of instances running at once that was not there prior to 3.0. We’ve improved it over the last three weeks, but it’s not fully there yet.”

The team also addressed the roadmap for the next couple of months. The January 25th update will include the return of the Pawsome Festival, a new pet, and a “revenge-themed” event for Valentine’s Day. Following that is the February update, which will include the Thunderwing Titan world boss and the remainder of Revelation’s content. Past February, the team hinted at “fantastic” content coming.


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