If you’re a fan of playing survival sandboxes with your friends around the world, better scrape together some pennies to invest in a private server: Conan Exiles has implemented region locks.
“We have decided to East/West region lock the official servers for three reasons,” Community Manager Jens Erik told Steam players at the tail end of last week. “The language barrier and the different playstyles is proving jarring for a lot of players. Also, the vastly different time zones between regions made offline raiding an unavoidable issue for a lot of players who would wake up to all their stuff being completely ruined.”
The locks appear to affect both PvP and PvE servers, in spite of the fact that PvE servers aren’t subject to the same timezone exploitation issues.
That’s left players in some regions without any official servers at all in the short-term, but Funcom says it hopes to bring new official servers for those in Asia (including Russia) and South America this week.
Meanwhile, weekend players continue to complain about server crashes on the official servers; Funcom says it’s continuing to work on the problem.