Meanwhile, in the deep void of space, a fire has broken out on a starship. Jets of flame and a rain of red-hot meteors scour the deck, sending people running for safety. It’s OK, however, it’s just a superhero putting his powers to practice.
Ship of Heroes released a video today showing two interesting elements of the game, starting with the Fiery Blast powerset. It’s a pretty straight-forward pyro build, with lots of fireballs and flame buffs to satisfy even the most hardcore Human Torch fan. This is the first of eight powersets that the team has vowed to show off this year, and the devs stress that the animations and effects are not final.
The team also showed off its signature Justice Corp building, where Bat-person, Superdude, Amazing Woman, Ocean King, Bird Sidekick, Lightning McGuy, Verdant Lampshade, and Venusian Hitchhiker presumably meet to combat evil. On the rooftop is an area where players can test out their powers without worrying about pesky aliens dying or fighting back.
Ship of Heroes is hoping to start alpha testing by the end of the year. Take a trip to the Justice Corps HQ and roast a few marshmallows with the fire powerset after the break!