Back in February, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, tried to prevent Pokemon Go player-inflicted park damage by requiring ARG developers, including Niantic, to acquire permits before implementing games within the park. The county was subsequently sued by Texas Rope’ Em dev Candy Lab AR this past spring, and now, a judge has granted an injunction blocking enforcement of the ordinance until after the lawsuit’s been resolved, noting not only that it’s unconstitutional but nearly impossible to execute.
In happier POGO news, Legendary Pokemon are coming to Pokemon Go. Unlike other Pokemon, Legendaries cannot be put into gyms to defend, but they should make raids a little bit easier. Trainers at the Chicago event will have a set of challenges to meet, but players not attending also need to help out. PokemonGO Hub has a great chart for finding out when the events begin if you need a little guidance. On the way to legendaries, players can unlock bonuses to just about everything, from Star Dust to increased spawns.
Niantic is also slowly optimizing the game with requested feedback. Though temporarily disabled, long-distance berry feeding for Pokemon in Gyms was recently added, but The Silph Road dug deeper and realized that many of the combat bugs have been fixed or their severity has been reduced. Special event raids were added, as you can see from the trailer down below, and there’s even code for Battle Parties to make selecting the Pokemon you use for battle more user-friendly. I wouldn’t normally say this, but considering the bonuses and recent reworkings, I think Saturday may be a day to jump back in and give the game a second shot.