The series is 52 episodes long, and it promises to be the world-shattering story of giant robots fueled by ghosts. The first nine episodes deal solely with the protagonist going through his daily routine and occasionally seeing ghosts. The next five episodes are about setting up the project to build ghost-powered robots. In the 15th episode, an enormous ghost lays waste to the protagonist’s home town and kills every single character that had been built up through now, making the previous episodes a complete waste of time.
Eight episodes are then spent hiding in the woods from the enormous ghost, followed by seven episodes journeying to a place where the ghost-powered robots had been assembled while meeting up with a handful of other characters. For no adequately explained reason, episodes 31-38 then feature a completely irrelevant deviation to a town holding a Japanese festival with the main character’s uncle. No one mentions those events at all as the cast spends another four episodes getting to the robot facility.
Once the team gets to the robot facility, four more episodes are spent arguing over who gets to pilot the biggest robot. The next episode is all about trying to power up the robot for its first launch. Episodes 47-52 finally involve using the ghost robots to fight evil ghosts while also discussing 10,000 years of history and cramming in so much exposition and lore that one episode features eight separate fight scenes with history narration in the background. The last episode ends on a cliffhanger. Let us know what you’re up to in What Are You Playing!
​Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): I’m at IndieCade this weekend. I’ve already done OneShot, Virtual Virtual Reality, and others by the time you’ve read this. Oh, and Pokemon Go will happen a bit since it’s Los Angeles and the raids can be zerged but OH-EM-GEE, I feel like my hometown’s like a nice small RP community in PoGo and LA’s like the server everyone plays on: You can find groups faster, but it doesn’t feel like people are building communities, just grinding content. Between the mass PoGo zergs and intimate IndieCade venue, it’ll be an interesting social gaming weekend.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’m a broken record, but I’ll be in Guild Wars 2 again. I’m also in the middle of trying to decide whether to get a Pixel 2 to replace my very old but deeply loved LG G2, whose battery replacements are no longer enough to revivify it. Somebody talk me into or out of it! I need a new phone!
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): The pre-patch prep in Final Fantasy XIV is real, but it’s also largely finished, so I might actually spend some time in GW2 just playing an alt for no real reason whatsoever. Yes, I’m allowed to do that for Choose My Adventure games, it just rarely comes up.
Your turn!