Those of you who’ve been following Massively OP for a while know that many our writers have a fondness for old MMORPGs – that’s how we got into the hobby in the first place. My little secret is that I still maintain one of my original Ultima Online accounts with a house and gardens and a stable of toons (mostly bards!).
And yet come awards season, classic MMOs rarely win awards, which hardly seems fair. Yes, some of them have graphics that have fallen by the wayside, but most have mechanics that can stand toe to toe with anything made in 2017.
Thanks to commenter Agemyth, who suggested this topic last year, we’re going to put it to a vote, again this year including a wide range of “gracefully aging” MMOs that could reasonably be considered classics based on the era of their launch. No, we didn’t include blockbusters like World of Warcraft that are still winning awards in 2017, nor did we list any closed games (the Asheron’s Call games were sunsetted this year, alas). Onward to the future where the past lives on in the present!
What's the best classic MMORPG still running at the end of 2017?
- Age of Conan (3%, 19 Votes)
- Anarchy Online (3%, 22 Votes)
- A Tale in the Desert (0%, 2 Votes)
- Battleground Europe (0%, 1 Votes)
- Dark Age of Camelot (7%, 50 Votes)
- Dofus (1%, 6 Votes)
- Dungeons and Dragons Online (6%, 42 Votes)
- EVE Online (7%, 52 Votes)
- EverQuest (13%, 88 Votes)
- EverQuest II (9%, 60 Votes)
- Fallen Earth (1%, 5 Votes)
- Final Fantasy XI (8%, 56 Votes)
- Guild Wars (6%, 39 Votes)
- Lineage (1%, 6 Votes)
- Lord of the Rings Online (22%, 152 Votes)
- Meridian 59 (0%, 0 Votes)
- Pirates of the Burning Sea (0%, 2 Votes)
- RuneScape (4%, 31 Votes)
- Ryzom (1%, 4 Votes)
- Second Life (1%, 4 Votes)
- Ultima Online (6%, 41 Votes)
- Wurm Online (1%, 5 Votes)
- I can't believe you forgot X! I'm going to go down to the comments and politely suggest it right now! (2%, 16 Votes)
Total Voters: 604