One small title that we’ve been following for a few years now is Forsaken Legends, a procedural sandbox that seemed to package a bunch of creative ideas while being whipped together by a very small team. However, the game got downgraded from an MMO last year and pretty much went into hiatus as the team members had to work on other projects to pay the bills.
The interesting news this month is word that the team was able to bring back on board one of its former devs and is revving back up into full development. Even more interesting is that there was mention of the game adopting SpatialOS to enable Forsaken Legends to graduate back into the realm of a persistent world MMO.
“We’re going to be able to go back to our original game ideas we had for Forsaken Legends,” the team said. “And as long as everything pans out, we’re going to be able to have that massive, endless, persistent world, procedurally generated with tons of content.”
To generate revenue and try out techniques to use in the MMO, the team is first creating a simpler zombie survival game as a “test bed.”