With the current Bilge Rat Adventure event wrapping up in Sea of Thieves this week, salty sea dogs will have to find their fun in some other port of call. It shouldn’t be too hard, as Patch 1.13 arrived to throw a giant megalodon or two at ship crews.
“Since the retreat of The Hungering One back into the deep, there have been reported sightings of other megalodons terrorising the Sea of Thieves,” the team said. “It’s been discovered that these new Megalodons have different personalities -– some seem to turn tail at the sight of a Galleon, whilst others are said to be just as unforgiving as The Hungering One!”
Rare also dropped a developer update video in which it promised that it would be working on providing players with better tools to find crewmates and a more streamlined bilge rat adventure experience. Give it a watch below!