When you’re creating a space sim that involves both space and ground content, then you’re going to have to figure out a way to get people up and down from planets. This is tricky if you don’t have Star Trek’s transporter on hand, as the team behind Prosperous Universe is finding during the game’s alpha development.
In the most recent dev blog, the small dev team discussed how it was focusing on smoothing out the navigation between stations, ships, and planet: “In the new flight model, ships can land on planets, but also orbit them, so I started to display the ships and their orbits. Right now only the player’s own ships can be seen, but I’ll add other traffic and space stations as soon as I can.”
Work continues to progress on Prosperous Universe’s improved website and remapping planetary surfaces. The team said that it will be asking for feedback from alpha testers soon about what they think of the game so far.
We can barely contain our excitement over the new #orbit feature. Seen here: space ships (triangles) and a space station (square) orbiting planet JY-197c. #space #scifi #mmo #gamedev pic.twitter.com/Q2lwX9nDYM
— Prosperous Universe (@prosp_universe) June 25, 2018