Does Polynesian stuff make sense in Shroud of the Avatar? At this rate, may as well! The game’s latest newsletter shows off some of the new themed items so you can roleplay Moana in Britannia II. How far you’ll go!
Portalarium’s other focus this week is continuing sneak peeks of its upcoming player-made dungeon system, which is due out by the end of the year. Right now, the prelude items are trickling into the game’s storefront.
“The included static example dungeons, complete with creatures and loot, will vary in point size and difficulty level and can be used until the player built dungeon feature goes live. When the player built dungeons feature goes live in Q4 2018, the example dungeons will vanish and be replaced by an entry room but the player will receive the blueprints to all the pieces needed to rebuild the dungeon (some assembly required!). Player built dungeons will be expandable and customizable with in-game craftable rooms and/or Add On Store rooms. As a bonus the Add On Store Dungeons include a Unity asset pack of dungeon rooms and hallways that you can experiment with using Unity which is free for non-professionals to download!”
Finally, the devs feature a player’s hard work creating a searchable database of in-game prices, and they’re running a merchant contest and leaderboard to reward folks with the most sales.