The sudden announcement on Friday that Just Survive was being shuttered wasn’t exactly welcome, but it also wasn’t surprising either. Splitting the games always seemed like it meant a death knell for the title; it just took a little while longer for it to actually happen. And that’s had me thinking about games whose shutdowns may have been unexpected but still weren’t exactly surprising.
Sometimes they are surprises; I certainly didn’t expect Landmark to shutter so quickly, and the closure of City of Heroes shocked me. Others are… well, expected, sooner or later. But when LawBreakers went? The writing had been on the wall for a while. It wasn’t surprising when Asta’s fourth lease on life was temporary. Heck, there are lots of very clearly temporary imported MMOs whose closures are sad but also unsurprising.
So today we’re getting a little morbid. Which MMO shutdown surprised you the least? Not which one was the most justified or which ones do you want to see happen, but which actual shutdown struck you as “well, that seems obvious”?