It’s been a bit of a rough go for games in China recently; Monster Hunter World was the first massively popular game we watched slam head-on into its new licensing standards, and juggernaut Tencent lost a huge pile of value thanks to these new regulations. And it looks like it’s going to take even longer to get better, as it appears the nation’s new regulations and licensing will take 4-6 months more to be fully prepared, not the 2-3 months previously predicted.
The result has been a freeze on a fast-growing game market that’s gone from huge growth to almost nothing for the first time in years. For quite some time the government has even been quiet about the fact that new licenses were not being improved, exacerbating the issue. We hope that Chinese gamers enjoy PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds because that’s going to be the newest release in the country for a while, it seems.