You know what I’m really, really tired of? Freakin’ cheaters. They aren’t just cheating at the game itself; they are robbing all of us of a tremendous amount of developer time and money chasing them down. Think how much more fun we’d all be having if game studios could put all the dough they spend on thwarting cheaters toward actual content instead.
Nevertheless, cheaters gonna cheat, and studio banhammers at least make for satisfying posts. So let’s do one of those: Bluehole perma-banned 13 million cheating scumballs from PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds since June of 2017. That doesn’t even count temporary bans.
That news comes from sjk045, a dude with a calculator and some time on Reddit, who totaled up Bluehole’s published ban wave data over the last year and change to arrive at this figure. The worst week, interestingly, was January of this year, though it’s slacked off since, likely a result of the game’s waning.
In related news, Bluehole just set live update 22 for PC, which includes new anti-cheating measures.
“As part of our ongoing efforts to combat cheating, we’ve developed a new anti-cheat system in-house at PUBG Corp. which we’re now bringing to live servers, after an extensive period on our test servers. This system is being used in addition to our existing anti-cheat solutions. Expect to see a new popup when you start the client. To help us refine our anti-cheat service it would be helpful for us if you play with the “Enable Anti-cheat” box checked, if you experience issues you can disable this. We’ve fixed previous compatibility issues experienced by some players, although we’ve kept the option to disable the new anti-cheat system while we go through the final stages of testing in the live server environment. Once testing is complete, you will be unable to disable this system.”
PC Patch #22 is now live! Included in this patch is our new Rank System. Log in, qualify, and rank up – all the way from BRONZE to GRANDMASTER.
Full Patch Notes: https://t.co/aYdHuiN4eh pic.twitter.com/rKDmurcmQJ
— PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS (@PUBG) October 3, 2018