Nintendo and Niantic seem to be working overtime these days: With Let’s Go Eevee and Pikachu games coming in November and Pokemon Go’s big updates usually also landing in the fall, we’re seeing a lot of content popping up and overlapping, and no, I don’t mean the sudden psychic event and newly released Special Female Pokemon event. Much as with the addition of Alola Pokemon, overlapping content means the game can hit the nostalgia factor while also feeling new and relevant. And that’s important because POGO’s big updates also include other changes.
For example, not only did the Official Pokemon Site reveal that the new mythical Pokemon Meltan (from the Chikarita Community Day surprise ending) will come from trading Pokemon from Go to Let’s Go, but the Pokemon spawns from a new and unique item.
At the same time, the Official Pokemon Go Site announced that Pokemon stats are going to be recalculated, so the defense stat, which is currently undervalued will be more important, and the hitpoint stat will be adjusted, threatening Blissey and Chansey’s throne as defender queens.
The Silph Road’s APK breakdown only makes the upcoming changes more obvious, as several new moves have been discovered. It also seems we may be seeing changes in move limitations beyond two attacks, but it could just be some other system.
Obviously all these changes have people speculating that earlier Niantic comments about PvP are around the corner, but there is concrete evidence of a potential new system: fitness goals. It’s unknown how these might work, but dataminers are finding the term popping up more.
We should also mention that the latest APK Silph Road’s mining includes models and cries for Generation 4 Pokemon and Meltan, which in the past has meant that we may be days or almost a week until the official update. And this was before the Special Female event that has some of us wondering if breeding is making its way into the game (finally)!
For those looking to prep for Gen 4, don’t forget to check out our Pokemon Go Guide while it’s still relevant, especially the guide on which Pokemon to save, as the resource section includes things like which specific current Pokemon will evolve again! And for lore hounds that haven’t moved past in-game notifications pushing the Oak/Willow/Meltan research project, there’s been an official Pokemon YouTube clip building up the new mythical Pokemon even more.