WRUP: The third shade of Sycamore House edition

There's no relief.

The third shade evaded us for weeks. It looked small and vulnerable, more like the suggestion of something small than an actual small person; Joanne and Henry both said it looked smaller, but when pressed Henry said it looked to be Joanne’s size. Either way it was a slight wisp of a thing, running down hallways and clearly obeying physical limits, terrified of us seeing it.

Joanne was the one who finally cornered it, and we found it whimpering in a corner as she slapped at its shape. “It can’t feel anything,” she explained as she aimed a pointed kick where its head ought to be. “It just acts like it can.”

I told her to stop, if nothing else than to stop its piteous wailing. We set up a cordon to examine it. But the more it crouched there and sobbed, the more I felt a well of anger bubble up inside of me. It was only when I felt a hand instinctively curl into a fist to give this shade something to be scared of that I insisted we tear down the cordon and let it go. It fled, sobbing openly, and I shudder to think what we might have been had we continued to hold it.

What Are You Playing?

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): ​Playing “You can’t go out because you lost your wallet” for most of the weekend, aside from Pokemon Go (especially for Sunday’s Community Day). Assuming I can get my other work done, I’ll probably also play some Detroit: Become Human.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): So I should probably give MapleStory 2 a thorough try this weekend, since last weekend I spent most of my time playing in the character creator for the amusement of my toddler. But realistically, I’m going to be in Star Wars Galaxies Legends at the very least; my chef business is well underway now, I’ve got milk to harvest, and I’m starting to ramp up my droid engineering on the side. But mostly I need to do the Halloween event. Those Moenian citizens aren’t going to scare themselves for tokens, and I really need a Stinky backpack.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): This weekend will likely see me hitting the grind treadmills for that sweet, sweet Halloween goodness in both MapleStory 2 and Destiny 2, because getting that Pumky stuff and Black Cat Ghost shell are important. There will also likely be a healthy sprinkling of Soul Calibur VI for an offline palate cleanser.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Actually, very little this weekend; my wife and I are on our anniversary trip, so we’ll be enjoying Martha’s Vineyard and mostly enjoying company. I’ll probably play some Final Fantasy XIV on Sunday, and we’ll likely bring our Switch to enjoy Sonic Mania and Octopath Traveler. And, y’know, Granblue Fantasy is on my phone so that’s easy.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Lord of the Rings Online has massively improved its already great Harvestmath festival, so I need to check out all the goodies and earn myself a new mount. I’ll also be spending more time getting my Star Wars: The Old Republic Sniper through Act I on that long road to Patch 5.10.

Your turn!

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