Apex Legends developers ban 355K cheaters as dataminers find new weapons


Rising battle royale star Apex Legends just reduced its playerbase by 355,000 players. First, congratulations are in order for having enough players that banning 355,000 would not absolutely kill the game, and second, these players were banned because they were cheating according to Respawn. Community Manager Jay Frechette posted on Reddit regarding the recent bans, “The fight against cheaters is an ongoing war that we’ll need to continue to adapt to and be very vigilant about fighting.”

According to the post, some of these measures include reaching out and working directly with experts, scaling up the anti-cheat team, and adding a report feature for PC gamers. Of course, some of the more specific measures will have to be kept secret. As Frechette said, “We don’t want them to see us coming.”

On the other end of the spectrum, dataminers found two new weapons that might come to the game soon as well as a fistful of NPCs that include a spider, a prowler, and a goliath. The twitter account RealApexLeaks dropped a few interesting screenshots this weekend. One of the screenshots shows a new particle effect for a flamethrower. Another highlights a “remoteturret.” This might be an NPC named Rem O. Teturret but is more likely an indication of a remote-controlled turret weapon coming to the game soon.

Below you’ll find all the datamined images, which include some names of new NPCs and some possible new NPC triggers for the game.

Sources: Reddit and Twitter


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