Ah, the weekly reset! It’s a thing in a lot of games. It’s a thing in Final Fantasy XIV, in World of Warcraft, in Star Wars: The Old Republic… in lots of games. Some stuff gives you more stuff once per week, or sometimes that’s when you can get anything from stuff, or… you know, it’s time to stop using the word “stuff” here. You get the idea, though.
The advantage to having once-weekly objectives is that the developers can control the rate of acquisition on things and that you have a certain broader sets of limitations on what you need to do. To use FFXIV as an example, you don’t need to hammer your face against the normal raid series endlessly to get a weapon; you need to do it once per week to get a token for a few weeks. But when do you take that on?
Some people (such as myself) try to get all of those weekly objectives out of the way as quickly as possible, hoping to ensure that the rest of the week is more flexible. Some people wait until the last possible minute to get things taken care of, and some people have a plan to get things done steadily through the week. So what about you? How fast do you finish weekly tasks in MMOs?