This is where we’re at now: companies attempting to sell barely reskinned content at a higher cost and people getting mad at a digital pet.
Apparently Fortnite tried to pull a fast one with the sale of Gunner, a pet that looks nearly indistinguishable from Bonesy, a pet that was part of the Season 6 Battle Pass. Furthermore, Gunner could be bought for the asking price of 1,000 V-bucks (roughly $10 US), which is 50 V-bucks more than this season’s Battle Pass.
When Epic was called out on the move, the company quickly retreated. “We should not have released the Gunner Pet and apologize for doing so,” reads their tweeted response. “Within the next couple of days, all purchases of Gunner will be refunded for the full amount of 1000 V-bucks as well as an additional 200 V-bucks and the Pet will be removed from the Locker.”
“A” for effort, Epic.