It’s all about forward momentum. As long as there’s a path forward, as long as there’s a way to progress, I’m happy. Even if the going is slow, I’m OK with it knowing that one day I’ll get to where I want to be.
Yet MMOs sometimes throw up a big, nasty wall that stops me dead in my tracks, and that is one of the most disheartening things ever. This past week I’ve been struggling with a quest in LOTRO called The Shadow Over Shathur Munzu. I’ve spent many game sessions inside this small public dungeon, trying to finish a quest an unable to do so. The mobs are too tough, too packed together, and even when I can find a mate to play with, the roving quest mob I need never shows his ugly face. I’ve rage quit at least twice on that.
Usually, my solution to hitting a wall is to walk away from the game for a day or two and then come back with a fresh outlook. But that’s me. What do you do when you hit a wall in an MMO? Do you grind through it, flee from it, research it, overwhelm it with friends, or something else entirely?