It’s Aion’s birthday! The game has been running for a decade now, which means that various proclamations that the title was dead over the course of that decade have been greatly exaggerated. Indeed, the game is throwing a nice big anniversary flea market party until October 10th. Players can earn new anniversary coins which in turn can be redeemed for special rewards from robots. There are also robots handing out weekly gifts. Yes, when you think of Aion, you think about robots… maybe? There are robots anyhow.
If you’d rather just fight things to celebrate the decade marker or want to enjoy both combat and flea market robots, you’re in luck as the game is also offering special dungeon drops during the anniversary event. These drops can contain Frostspark gear, Minium, Shard or Silver Cubicle bundles, or a Cute Minion Contract. As mentioned, the whole anniversary event is ongoing until October 10th, so enjoy the celebration while it lasts; there’s plenty of fun stuff to grab along the way.Source: Official Site