Vendetta Online adds a hidden star system and its new economy in the latest updates


Vendetta Online has made some pretty significant updates over the past couple of weeks. One of them has added some new dimensions to the game’s economy, while the other has introduced the first new star system since 2004. That’s definitely something that players will want to pay attention to.

The new system has added 256 additional sectors and promises new dangers as well as new rewards, and the system will also change more frequently than others as the devs try different concepts and experiment with gameplay. The wormhole to get to this system is hidden, with hints provided in-game. The wormhole may even dynamically move, so players will have to keep their ears to the ground.

Vendetta has also added what’s being called a “next-gen economy,” with an expansion from Latos N-2 to the entire Latos system, changes to trade convoys and escort missions, and a number of other economic changes. The latest updates have also made it possible for players to conquer Hive sectors, opened up the Corporate Sector Run galaxy race into a regular automated weekly event, and introduced new badges and rewards among other updates.

As mentioned before, these changes occurred over the past couple of weeks, so there are two sets of patch notes to look over. Or you could just hop into the game itself.

sources: newsletter, official site (1, 2)
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