A grizzled Standard Video Game Protagonist (model option 2C, Young Man Stubble Beard) has a horse. There is no one else and no civilization around him. He rides the horse. Wolves attack him. Then, visibly unharmed, he climbs somewhere and throws a glowy thing at some floating rocks for reasons that are not even hinted at, but the metaphor is that this was the purpose of a long journey. That’s the breakdown of what happens in the trailer for RISE, a new multi-platform MMO currently in development by NXN.
More interesting than the (rather generic) trailer are some details that have come out about the game, like the promise that it is meant to be playable on mobile, consoles, and PCs (although whether or not cross-play will be available is not yet announced). It’s also meant to be story-focused and will have RTS elements to its battles, although obviously those aren’t being shown off yet. Still, if you like the promise of climbing things for throwing glowy bits at floating rocks, there’s reason for some anticipation.