Elder Scrolls Blades is adding new repeatable quests in its next update


There’s certainly lots of quests to do in Elder Scrolls Blades already, but in the game’s next update, there will be more of them. And they’ll be repeatable. Which shouldn’t be read as sarcasm, by the way, especially since grinding stuff is part of an MMO player’s DNA anyway.

These new Event Quests will not only be able to be repeated a total of five times but will also get increasingly more difficult with every new attempt. They will also feature unique modifiers such as enemies that are immune to physical weapons or dish out only shock damage. Event Quests will rotate on a regular basis and will be completely free to take on, requiring players to only be level 10.

Clearing these Event Quests will reward players with Sigils, which can be used in the Sigil Shop to purchase crafting and enchanting materials, enchanted weapons, and all-new Arcane items. There will also be material, gold, and Gem rewards for clearing these quests as well.

These new quests will arrive when Update 1.8 hits, which will also bring numerous fixes and improvements. Those details will arrive when the patch notes are shared, while the update itself is planned to launch soon™.

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