If you’ve been eyeing ArcheAge Unchained over the last year but hadn’t wanted to pull the trigger on a buy-to-play experience, especially after the business model rather severely changed course in 2020, then this weekend’s free-play event is probably for you.
“Players are able to explore the wondrous online worlds of ArcheAge: Unchained free of charge from August 28 to September 2,” Gamigo says. “With the voucher code SUMMERTRIAL, ArcheAge: Unchained will be available for free on Glyph and Steam starting Friday at 4 p.m. CEST. Players interested in continuing their adventure after the free weekend can purchase the game at any time, while retaining their progress and titles. For a limited period of time, they will enjoy generous discounts. Until September 7, the Silver Pack is available for $15.99, Gold for $29.99 and the Archeum Pack for $39.99.”
That’s 10 a.m. EDT for those of you on the east coast USA, meaning it’s already begun and active. Have fun, folks!
Source: Press release