Star Wars Squadrons creative director: ‘We’re not trying to treat the game as a live service’


If EA wanted a fast way to chill all the fervor for Star Wars Squadrons, then what it told UploadVR this week in regard to future content is basically the ice bucket challenge.

“Never say never, so to speak, but as far as our philosophy goes we’re not trying to treat the game as a live service,” Creative Director Ian Frazier told the website in a recent interview. “We don’t want to say, ‘It’s almost done!’ and then dribble out more of it over time, which to be honest is how most games work these days. So we’ve tried to treat it in kind of an old-school approach saying, ‘You’ve paid the $40, this is the game and it’s entirely self-contained. We’re not planning to add more content, this is the game, and we hope you understand the value proposition.'”

While that’s sure to make people sick of overwrought microtransactions happy, it’s a bit weird in a world of DLC and expansions and quest packs. Then again, Frazier seems to be suggesting that the reason is less that EA respects your wallet and more that it doesn’t want to pull people away from Battlefront more than necessary.

“So even though we do go into the outer atmosphere of Yavin Prime, we never go anywhere truly terrestrial because we wanted to separate the game in that flavor from something like Battlefront, which we already have.”

Still, that’s a big bummer for people hoping the Star Wars galaxy would be expanding a bit more in one of the most welcome Star Wars games in ages.

Source: UploadVR
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