How is it that we are already at the 22nd season for Diablo III? No matter, we need to be killin’, not ponderin’!
The fields of Diablo III will run especially red with the blood of your foes, thanks to the addition of shadow clones. By clicking on a shrine or pylon, players during Season 22 will summon a class clone for a minute to assist with the fight.
Another change this season include adding a fourth slot to Kanai’s Cube. “You will have the option to choose any power for this one, but it won’t stack with powers from other slots,” Blizzard explained.
The studio is bringing back rewards from Season 10 that you may have missed the first time around. There’s also a Book of Cain pet to attain — and yes, that’s an actual book that walks around on legs and holds a staff for some reason.