There’s some fresh news coming out of Monster Hunter Rise thanks to a recently premiered digital event that, among other things, showcased some new monsters, teased a new Wyvern Riding mechanic, and confirmed the free demo’s arrival tomorrow.
During the digital event as well as in a new trailer, players are introduced to several returning beasties such as the Tigrex, Lagombi, Khezu, Great Baggi, Barioth, and Mizutsune, as well as an all-new monster known as the Goss Harag, an immense beast that can form giant ice blades with its breath. The trailer also provided a look at the new Frost Islands location. Last but not least, it showcased the Wyvern Riding ability that lets players use their Wirebug to control a wild monster to attack their prey for a limited time.
As for the free demo, that will be available between January 8th and the 31st, offering up a number of things for players to try out including a solo arena to give Wyvern Riding a shot, a solo training session to introduce players to other mechanics unique to Rise like the Wirebug and Malamute, and two hunt quests for the Great Izuchi and Mizutsune that can be played solo, in local multiplayer, or in online multiplayer.
The full digital event can be seen in the embed below, along with the new trailer that shows off pretty much everything else.