Much of the online multiplayer gaming world was lit on fire by Microsoft earlier this week when the company attempted to raise the cost for Xbox Live Gold subs, ramping up the one-month, three-month, and six-month subs by $1, $5, and $20 respectively.
Microsoft attempted to rationalize the price change by pointing out the sub prices hadn’t changed for years, while also offering those who move from Xbox Live Gold to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate would see their remaining time left on the Gold subscription carry over to Ultimate. However, the announcement received almost universal outcry from players, causing the company to almost immediately rescind the decision.
“We messed up today and you were right to let us know,” opens the post announcing the redaction. “Connecting and playing with friends is a vital part of gaming and we failed to meet the expectations of players who count on it every day. As a result, we have decided not to change Xbox Live Gold pricing.”
In the spirit of that idea of bringing friends together, Microsoft further announced that free-to-play titles will no longer require a membership to Gold. The change to this requirement is being worked on and should be live in the next couple of months.