If it wasn’t really obvious, we love screenshots taken in MMOs. We also love when those MMOs offer a way for players to take dynamic screenshots, and that’s just what Blue Protocol will let its players do thanks to its photo mode.
The feature was showcased by the game’s Japanese Twitter account, which offered a quick video peek at the feature in action as well as several screenshots taken with photo mode. Blue Protocol’s photo mode has all the bells and whistles screenshot artists expect, like pan, zoom, angle, and blurring functions. So now we get confirmation that Blue Protocol players can share their fun, quirky, or badass moments while also learning that we have another way to feed Justin’s ever-ravenous, otherworldly, and boundless hunger for pretty screenshots. Please, keep helping us feed him. He’s looking at me right now, and he looks insatiable.
ズームや画角調整、ぼかし機能等細かな設定が可能となっています。#ブルプロ #BlueProtocol pic.twitter.com/iI4HIU11lw— BLUE PROTOCOL (@BLUEPROTOCOL_JP) March 26, 2021
是非思い出の1枚を撮影する際にお役立てください。#ブルプロ #BlueProtocol pic.twitter.com/V8YbdTzW5V— BLUE PROTOCOL (@BLUEPROTOCOL_JP) March 26, 2021