The advantage to having a job that takes place at home and centers around video games is the fact that it’s pretty easy to not just take time away from that job to blow through new content but actually justify it as work. “Sorry, I couldn’t do the dishes, I had to level up this new class in a video game!” But the flip side of that is that you also become acutely aware of the time that is taking you. Realistically you might know that you’re leveling that new class while most of the world is still at work, but tell that to your brain when you’re level 37 and you see someone run past on the class at level 39.
Then again, maybe you’re… you know, reasonable. You know that this content is going to be there when you get to it and it’s not really a rush to be the first or try to get it experienced first. So do you get impatient with new MMO content and feel the need to clear through it as quickly as possible? Or do you take a healthier attitude and recognize that there’s no real rush to get through this stuff?