Yes, the Star Wars: The Old Republic team deliberately worked to ensure that a quest ended with a “Cool Guys Don’t Look At Explosions” moment on Quesh. There are other takeaways from a new dispatch from lead cinematic designer Ashley Ruhl celebrating a decade in operation, but you have to admire that all of the game’s tools were leveraged to make sure your character got to walk away from an explosion just to look cool. That’s simply fun.
Of course, there’s a lot that goes into making sure that the cinematics in the game work properly, especially since (as Ruhl points out) every cinematic also has to be built to account for a variety of player choices and can’t be built solely out of bespoke animations. Ruhl explains the process of taking a script and turning it into a finalized set of animations for various sequences while accounting for height differences and story changes, along with the tricks used to simulate map movement since the cinematic stage is “fixed” when these play. Check out the full rundown to answer all the questions you never knew you had about making cinematics in SWTOR.Source: Official Site