Woo boy. If you want to get my dander up out of nowhere when I’m playing your MMO, then just toss in an invisible wall so that I can smack into it like a goose flying into a glass door at 40 miles per hour. There are few petty, insignificant video game design elements that actually raise my blood pressure as invisible walls do.
I mean, you can clearly see past them. Your head tells you that, yes, your character can easily clear that ledge, hop that gully, or head out into that field. But Mr. Invisible Wall says, “NOPE,” clotheslines you, and offers no explanation. You’re just not good enough. You’re not authorized. Look on in envy at the lands you’ll never visit.
All MMOs have invisible walls, but which one(s) is the worst when it comes to putting up these frustrating spectral barriers?