My bitterness toward Jagex is entirely down to how the company handled its license to make a Transformers online game. Transformers Universe was first announced as an MMO set in one of the fictional universes for this property that I have a deep and inexplicable love for. Then it wasn’t an MMO any more but a MOBA, and then it wasn’t anything at all because no one cared and it shut down without ever leaving beta. There have been a couple of other abortive attempts to bring the franchise into online spaces that have generally been rather bland shooters or the equivalent, too. It disappoints me.
This is possibly silly (read: definitely silly), but I think everyone has an IP or two that was supposed to be in development and then kind of sputtered out or never made it to market in the form we wanted. I’m sure there are still people out there excited about the prospect of an actual Magic: the Gathering MMO (no, not Magic: Legends, obviously), or a Stargate title, or one of the dozens of Firefly adaptations promised over the years… you get the idea. So are there IPs you still want to see in MMO form despite failed projects?