Neverwinter restores missing artifact mods, accelerates Dragonbone Vale’s console launch


Rankled Neverwinter players who found the launch of the Dragonbone Vale module ended up souring rather than sweetening their gameplay due to an unfortunate change to artifact mods will find that this week’s patch may end up restoring a smile to their faces.

“Artifact modifications that had been reset with the launch of Dragonbone Vale have been recovered,” Cryptic announced. “For players who used Cubes of Augmentation to boost their modifications, the best of old vs. new modifications will be applied.”

Dragonbone Vale, which came out back on January 11th for the PC, was originally due to arrive on the MMO’s console editions this coming February 8th. But good news: It’s actually coming out on February 1st, so you won’t have even that long to wait.

Source: Neverwinter
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