ArcheAge kicks off territory claiming and sieges on fresh start servers, reopens a limited marketplace


Today is patch day for ArcheAge, which means there are (obviously) some patch notes to highlight. This week’s update is a bit on the small side, but it does open up fresh start servers to territory claiming, sieges, and faction alliances, as well as introduces a couple of bug fixes to make note of.

On the subject of bug fixing, the game’s marketplace is back open once more (peep that cute cow furniture) after a bug with cash bags handed out as transfer compensation in December caused the store to shut down last week. The marketplace is still not accepting Credits and cash bags are still disabled for the time being, but Kakao Games is handing out a code for free five days’ worth of Patron subscription time as recompense for the problems.

source: official site (1, 2, 3)
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