Put down your spear and blunderbuss and strike up your tuba and fiddle! This is the message that New World conveyed early this morning as it released its huge Summer Medleyfaire update and ushered players into the musical craziness of the new event.
“Celebrate the Summer Medleyfaire with fishing and musical events throughout Aeternum. Summer villages have been erected in Brightwood, Everfall, Weaver’s Fen, and Monarch’s Bluffs. Raise your reputation with the Maestro through quests like catching the famed Aeternum Sturgeon to net special seasonal rewards,” Amazon Game Studio said.
The update adds the musical tradeskill system with five instruments (guitar, mandolin, upright bass, drums, flute) and 31 songs to collect and use. Musical performances aren’t just fun to listen to; they also bestow tradeskill XP and an assortment of buffs to the listener.
The update also adds onto the endgame expedition system with barnacles and black powder mutators, an expedition group finder, a rebalance of loot, and the removal of expedition tuning orbs.
Amazon announced that it rebalanced “over 150 perks” in the game, improved loot drops overall, sped up gathering progression, and added the chance to get a “perfect salvage” that pays out in increased rewards.