Tower of Fantasy previews player-built ‘artificial island’ system, bans thousands of cheaters


Level Infinite and Hotta Studio aren’t letting mobile-and-PC MMO Tower of Fantasy rest on its laurels: It’s already gunning for the game’s first big content drop.

“Beginning September 15th, players will be able to unlock Artificial Island, a brand new location filled with floating islands with new places to explore, new Developer Logs to obtain and new elite bosses to overcome,” the studios announced this afternoon, building on the teaser trailer released earlier this week. The island is unlocked at player level 50, accessed by flying vehicle, and offer everything from riddles and supplies to a construction feature that essentially allows players to level and design their own hideaway with servants and pets. Player islands are getting kinda popular lately, eh?

“In addition to a new map, players can unlock Claudia, A tall Hykros Executor with a bit of a military demeanor. Her mastery over one-handed swords and mobility saw her on the front lines of difficult operations, but she was sent to a medical facility after being severely injured in Operation Dark Apocalypse. She is reliable, tenacious, and the first to charge ahead in battle. While she is seemingly cold at first, she is like a kindhearted older sister once you get to know her. Having a strong sense of righteousness, she fights for justice and for others.”

In other TOF news, an additional 3371 accounts have been banned for cheating as of today, the majority of them in Europe and Southeast Asia. Players caught with “maliciously cheating/hacking behaviors” have been smacked 10-year account suspensions. “[W]e would like to apologize sincerely for our inability that allowed these players to interfere with the balance of the game, which has badly influenced the gaming experience for all Wanderers,” the live ops team writes.

Source: Press release
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