SEED has been pretty busy during its last playtest, as evidenced by a new series of in–universe newspapers that try to tie the game’s world and the playtest’s activities together, all in a format that’s either really immersive or stupendously annoying to navigate, depending on how you feel.
These newspapers chronicle the things players were doing during the playtest, such as working towards building homes, petting ducks (two ducks in specific apparently got a lot of attention), managing businesses, and some quote pulls of player banter. The digests even try to weave bugs into the overall lore; random events include a Seedling night worker who did nothing but eat instead of work, a server crash, and another Seedling who apparently was eating furniture.
There are a couple of interesting hints of where SEED may be going next sprinkled throughout the papers, with one issue wondering about a space port that appeared in-game and another noting a call for players to send material to some orbiting construction project, all of which reads like future tests are angling towards some outer space activities.
The playtest closed with a video from one of the devs of the MMO, who shared some trivia of what players were doing, and the game’s last newspaper shares further data of Seedling activities. The post-playtest video waits below, set to a time when someone actually appears on-screen.