Lord of the Rings Online’s Shadowfax server advances into Vales of Anduin


One of Lord of the Rings Online’s smallest servers took another step toward rounding out the game map this week. On Wednesday, Standing Stone Games quietly advanced the Shadowfax legendary world to the Vales of Anduin and level 120, leaving it in striking distance of Gundabad and the current level cap.

Launched at the same time as its slower sibling Treebeard, Shadowfax was billed as the speedy progression server where leveling happened faster and unlocks took place at the rate of every two or three months. It’s expected to be at the regular game’s current level cap of 140 by summer, at which point most players fully expect SSG to close it down and transfer the population elsewhere.

In other LOTRO news, the special daily Yule Hobbit presents will keep churning out presents until the game’s next update, which is currently targeting January 11th.

Source: Twitter
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