PSA: DC Universe Online is handing out character boosts for all players to mark its 12th anniversary


If you’re somehow not at the top end of combat rating in DC Universe Online, then listen up: The MMORPG is using its 12th anniversary celebration as a reason to hand out one free character advancement to all players among other free goodies.

From now until January 31st, all free players of DCUO can simply log in and claim a character advancement that boosts one toon up to CR333. The skip also grants a gear suit featuring a very showy Fate’s Faith style set and a Batman ally. Players who are subscribed to the game also get the skip, the ally, and a bundle of other things like a Chroma pack, 12 lootbox keys, and a bundle stuffed with upgrade materials.

Players can only claim one free skip per account and must have at least a level 10 character before even getting the freebies in question, but for those who are behind the CR curve, it’s perhaps a very happy anniversary indeed.

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