With the same fondness of a parent for a wayward grown-up child who’s wandered into a troublesome stretch, we have been watching RIFT with some concern as of late, both because of RIFT’s own sluggish activity and because Gamigo’s parent company has been on a cancelation spree the last year. But hey, any movement on this game is better than none, right? And it’s been moving a bit all month thanks to a string of low-scale weekend events and promotions.
[AL:Rift]In fact, this coming weekend (May 26th through the 29th), Gamigo is activating a 50% planarite boost in the game. This comes on top of three similar previous weekend events (and on top of a Shiny Shenanigans event that was unceremoniously canceled).
And if that’s not enough, RIFT’s been running sales on various bundles. Right now the game is slashing most of its service sales in half, including character slot extensions, rename scrolls, underwater mount training, a portable auctioneer, and more.
Will it be enough? We have no idea.
Source: RIFT