Back in June, Blizzard announced that it was doubling the friend list cap from 200 to 400 friendos, and I saw a bunch of bemused commentary.
“[I] have like 33 total bnet friends,” sputtered one. “[H]ow do y’all know this many people[?]”
I can relate. Well, not perfectly; I deleted in 2019 because of the 2019 reasons long before the 2021 and 2022 reasons, and I’ve been given negative reasons to go back. But I seriously doubt I had more than 20 friends on there when I nuked it. Most of my MMOs are probably around there or lower too. I don’t tend to add people I grouped with once or who bought from my shop to my list, I guess; I stick with guildies and people I know from work or in real life. A number like 400 friends seems like it would be endless online/offline spam from people whose characters you don’t even remember. But clearly, it was something enough folks wanted.
How many people are on your top MMO’s friends list?