Star Wars The Old Republic delves deeper into the changes coming with Galactic Season 5


When Star Wars: The Old Republic offered an initial preview of update 7.3.1, players likely noted how there were quite a few things different with the update’s related Galactic Season 5, such as the fact that there’s no seasonal companion this time around. That change and others were elaborated on in a follow-up forum thread that details several of the changes happening in the upcoming season.

The thread first opens with why BioWare is moving away from seasonal characters, explaining that adding a companion should be a more impactful feature and the seasonal setup didn’t allow for that. That said, season fans should still expect a good story that unlocks as seasonal progress is made.

This change further adjusts how rewards are handed out in Season 5, with new goodies that will take up the slots that would otherwise be companion-specific. That includes more seasonal reputation items, five personnel decorations based off of popular armors, a Jawa intel-granting consumable, an exclusive new pet, and a new white and white dye module. Season 5 will also see gameplay adjustments like new objectives for companions, space missions, and operations; simplified flashpoint and uprising objectives; and more objectives for subscribers.

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