Well, folks, we messed up. We agreed to the terms for Chris and me to both get the Daily Croissant Delivery Service promotion, but that cost literally all of our money. It doesn’t even actually deliver croissants daily. It was a bad decision, and it was a mistake, but we need to move on. Unfortunately this means that we have had to entertain unorthodox methods of revenue generation.
It turns out that a whole lot of money for the SuperWhoLock fandom is still sloshing around after Tumblr blew itself up but also somehow hasn’t been taken back after at least two of those shows ended in ways that enraged the fans? I guess it’s still out there. Anyhow, as a result from now on, What Are You Playing will be a SuperWhoLock blog for the forseeable future. We’re well aware that most of the creative and passionate people who were involved in that particular moment of time have gone on to bigger and better things, and also we’re several Doctors removed from that time period, but we had to chase after the money, and this is where it led. If this bothers you, we apologize.
Now, where did I put those soft-focus photos of Benedict Cumberbatch kissing David Tennant? No, they’re not for this blog. Those are for personal purposes.
Bonus question: Do you watch non-video game-related award shows?
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Exercise games will get a workout, as will Splatoon 3 with its new season. Also hoping to get in some time with Knuckle Sandwich because I just have not had time for it despite kickstarting it. I need more hours in the day!
Ha ha ha, I don’t even watch game-related award shows, just relevant clips if they’re relevant.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Project Gorgon still has my heart, although I haven’t had any time to play this week. When things calm down, though, I’m back!
To be honest, I don’t have the necessary attention span for that kind of event. I was bored during the one for my own industry. But I usually catch up on the recap the next day, partly to see who won and partly to see the clothes and hair and makeup. “This four-hour awards show could’ve been a blog post” is my vibe I guess.
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): My family and I have been all about the winter event in Star Trek Online, so that will likely continue over the weekend. I also have some levels to earn yet for my Final Fantasy XIV Summoner, a bit more class exploration to do in Guild Wars 2, and I have the random urge to reinstall The Elder Scrolls Online for some reason.
Bonus: Nope.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I’ve got my usual FFXIV antics, an actually pretty exciting game to review this weekend that I’m looking forward to unpacking, and some various holiday shopping and chores to keep me busy. That’ll do.
I will watch an award show as soon as we get one that isn’t a self-indulgent mess of awfulness. Given the general arc of these shows I am not expecting any miracles.
Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I’m playing my Harry Potter Magic Awakened on the daily. The new season with a new card should begin next week and bring some winter content so I’m looking forward to that. THE FINALS just released too which I’m pretty excited about. I hope I can get some real time in with it.
Bonus: Not so much. I just don’t really care that much. If I like a game that’s great. I will play it and enjoy it. But most of the time I’ve never met the people who made it or anything. So what do I care if this game or that game won something. It literally doesn’t affect me so I just don’t care. I don’t care about most things, though, so I guess I’m a jerk.