Whenever you have a card game where the very basis of your revenue stream is the constant introduction of new cards, unbalanced concepts are going to slip through testing to mess up the meta. This is why Marvel Snap has made a habit of delivering one or two “Over the Air” (OTA) balance hotfixes every month to address pressing issues.
The first OTA update of 2024 primarily focused on a new card, Blob, which was kind of out-of-control when it was first introduced. Blob used to eat up every remaining card in your deck to absorb all of that power, becoming a gigantic card with a near-unstoppable power swing on turn six. Now he’s been nerfed to stop when he hits around 15 power, which is still strong but not ridiculous.
There were some nice buffs in this batch, however. Selene got three points of power added to her, Elektra moved from a 1/1 to a 1/2, and Dazzler became cheaper to deploy.
Marvel Snap recently posted its 2024 roadmap and announced that its studio, Second Dinner, secured an additional $100 million in funding.