Despite its age, Dark Age of Camelot is still getting tweaked and tuned by Broadsword. Such is the case with its most recent patch, which is all about making adjustments to resist debuffs and classes.
The resist debuff updates effectively turn class resist debuffs into triple resist debuffs in order to “enable more diversity in group makeups.” This change touches a wide assortment of classes, particularly the Cabalist, Sorcerer, Eldritch, and Spiritmaster.
Class tweaking isn’t stopping at resist debuffs either, as the patch has also made a lengthy list of updates to several class abilities, with a similarly wide variety of updates from class to class. The patch has also made changes to what it considers “less popular” spec lines such as returning mezz dampening to Healer’s Augmentation spec, buffs to the damage of Necromancer’s Death Servant spec, and lowered AoE range for Runemaster’s Suppression spec. All told, things are pretty granular, so players will likely want to see what’s new.